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Hertfordshire County Council

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your physical and mental health, and is better for your family and friends.

How we can support you

Our 12 week service offers:

  • weekly one-to-one sessions with an advisor, face to face or over the phone
  • a plan to help you quit
  • products such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or a free vape starter kit
  • guidance on how best to use your vape
  • motivate you through challenging times and help you combat cravings
  • Regular carbon monoxide breath testing to show you how your progress has benefitted your health.

This service is free, but you may have to pay for NRT prescriptions.

If any of the following apply to you:

  • currently pregnant;
  • diagnosed with a mental health condition;
  • in hospital;
  • due to have a planned operation;

please contact the hospital responsible for your care or Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service to find out more about what stop smoking services are available to you.


If you can't find a service in your area, or you'd like more information on the services available, contact us.


The products we offer

Once you sign up to the Stop Smoking Service, we will advise you on what vape products are available and what may best suit you.

At this time, Hertfordshire Health Improvement Service are not able to offer Champix (varenicline) as a part of stop smoking support. We are working to have this option available for our clients and will update as more information becomes available.

Vaping products (E-cigarettes)


Our free electronic cigarette starter kit includes:

  • vape pen
  • atomizer
  • vape liquid.

We don't provide replacement vape liquid.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be 18 years old or over
  • be motivated to quit smoking
  • have tried other medication to attempt quitting
  • not be currently using NRT, bupropion or varenicline from another source
  • not be already using e-cigarettes.

NRTs (nicotine replacement therapies)

We can prescribe nicotine replacement therapies once you sign up to the Stop Smoking Service.

You may have to pay for the prescription. We can advise you on how to save money with a prescription pre-payment certificate.

NHS Quit Smoking app

Download the NHS Quit Smoking app to:

  • Track your progress
  • See how much you're saving
  • Get daily support.



Where else to go for information

NHS Smokefree website
Reasons to quit, pregnancy advice, more about e-cigarettes, medications and the Stop Smoking app.

Healthy Hubs Hertfordshire
Visit your local Healthy Hub for free support to help you stay healthy and well.

Health checks
If you're 40-74 years old, you may be able to get a free NHS Health check.


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